The King's Podcast
Have you ever wondered what to watch and why? Do you find yourself being overwhelmed by the endless sea of options on your television and computer screens? Well, let this podcast put your mind at ease. Each week I breakdown films and television shows that have gained my attention. Highlighting the good, the bad and the unforgivable. In every episode the subject will be discussed from a critical race theorist perspective and the female gaze.
Podcasting since 2020 • 30 episodes
The King's Podcast
Latest Episodes
Flops, Hits and Movie Stars
Does the box office have a crisis? Do films still need movie stars? Are movie stars still relevant? I take a deep dive into the current state of the box office.
Season 3
Episode 10

Bridgerton Season 3: The Review
Dearest Listener, over the course of this episode we breakdown the third season of the Netflix original series Bridgerton.
Season 3
Episode 9

End of an Era
We interrupt this broadcast to bring an important update.
Season 3
Episode 8